Salmon al Cartoccio

Salmon al Cartoccio Like this recipe? You’ll love my online Greek cooking class Inspired by Janni Kyritsis! This salmon al cartoccio (or sto harti in Greek) is inspired by the classic Greek slow-cooked lamb as taught to me by my friend Janni Kyritsis. The low-slow cooking in a parcel gives a wonderfully delicate result, the […]

Potato Focaccia

Potato Focaccia Join one of my food & wine tours to Italy to discover more Italian regional specialties I love authentic focaccia made with a generous amount of olive oil. My recipe is inspired by Ligurian-born restaurateur, Lucio Galletto, who uses more water and oil in his recipe than many I’ve seen, which is what […]

Bottarga & Lemon Pappardelle

Bottarga & Lemon Pappardelle Like bottarga?You’ll love my online Italian cooking class featuring the food of Sardinia! I love pasta! I also love lemon and bottarga, so I created this simple recipe combining all three. It’s inspired by my friend and co-author, Giovanni Pilu who introduced me to the joys of bottarga along with many […]

Ice Cream with Balsamic Vinegar

Ice Cream with Balsamic Vinegar Join my Small Group Food & Wine Tour of Modena – Home of Balsamic Vinegar Vinegar on ice cream? Really? Absolutely if it’s the thick black gold of Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale di Modena. Good vanilla ice cream dotted with traditional balsamic vinegar is a life-changing dessert. This sweet-sour elixir made […]

Baked Scamorza with Salami

Baked Scamorza with Salami Join my food & wine tour to Italy to discover more Italian regional specialties! I love cheeses that melt to a lovely soft texture without becoming oily, like Italian scamorza. Baked scamorza is a perfect quick dinner with salad and some sliced salumi. In Italy it’s often topped with prosciutto, but […]

Gnocchi di Patate (Potato Gnocchi)

Potato Gnocchi Eat Gnocchi with me in Italy on one of my Italian food & wine tours! I love versatile potato gnocchi, they’re delicious dressed with just about any pasta sauce including pesto, easy gnocchi Sorrentina from the Amalfi coast, or the simplest burnt butter and sage. You can even boil the gnocchi ahead of […]

Spungata (Apricot Tart)

Spungata (Ligurian Apricot Tart) Join one of my food & wine tours to Italy to discover more Italian regional specialties! This delicious fruit tart, called spungata in Liguria and spongata in neighbouring Emilia-Romagna, is similar to what other Italian regions call crostata. In Liguria spungata are often given as a gift when visiting friends and […]

Pinolate (Pine Nut Cookies)

Pinolate (Ligurian Pine Nut Cookies) Join one of my food & wine tours to Italy to discover more Italian regional specialties! Pinolate are simple Ligurian pine nut cookies with a wonderfully chewy soft centre, a crisp outer and delicious nutty flavour. Also called pignoli or amaretti con pignoli, they’re traditionally made with a mix of […]

Broad Bean Bruschetta

Broad Bean Bruschetta Like this recipe? You’ll love my online Italian cooking class featuring the food of Liguria! Every meal at Lucio’s Paddington restaurant started with bruschetta, a slice of delicious toasted Italian bread, topped with a mound of something seasonal. I love using tender young broad beans during their short spring season to make […]

Trofie al Pesto Genovese

Trofie al Pesto Genovese Join one of my food & wine tours to Italy to discover more Italian regional specialties! I love this classic way of serving pesto – with the beans and potatoes cooked in the same water as the pasta it’s more like a main meal than a starter. This is done with […]

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