A cartouche is a piece of baking paper cut into a circle to act as a lid; it’s sometimes called a ‘false lid’.

It’s handy to know how to make a cartouche for covering the surface of a sauce, soup or other liquid while it’s cooking to keep the ingredients submerged in the liquid and reduce evaporation.

Pickles are also often covered with a cartouche to keep the vegetables submerged in the pickling liquid, while sauces and custards are covered once they’re cooked to prevent a skin forming on the surface.

You’ll need:

  • baking paper (parchment paper)
  • scissors

Here’s how to make a cartouche (scroll down for a step-by-step video):

  1. Cut a large square of baking paper.
  2. Fold it in half to form a rectangle, in half again to form a square, then in half again to form a triangle.
  3. From the folded corner, keep folding the triangle in half to create increasingly thinner triangles until you reach a thickness that can just still be cut with scissors.
  4. Hold the triangle over the container to be covered so that the tip is in the centre (to estimate the radius).
  5. Cut off the excess paper so that the triangle is just slightly longer than the radius of the container.
  6. Unfold the triangle and you’ll have a near perfect circle ready to cover your container.
  7. Sometimes the very tip of the triangle is snipped off before unfolding to create a small hole to allow excess steam to escape (I rarely find this necessary).

Now you know how to make a cartouche, you’ll use it in all sorts of recipes including ice creams and sorbets; poached quinces and saffron poached pears​; and pickles like Vietnamese pickled vegetables, Indonesian acar, Lebanese pink pickled turnips and Korean kimchi.

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How To Make A Cartouche

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Melisa (Beacon Hill, NSW)
We made the pot-sticker dumplings and bang bang chicken from the Chinese class the other night. Once again both exceeded our expectations. My husband keeps saying it’s better than going out to restaurants as the recipes and quality are amazing.
Glennis (Caringbah South, NSW)
Glennis (Caringbah South, NSW)
The whole Be Inspired experience has helped me love cooking again. I was sick of cooking the same old things - meal time is a lot brighter thanks to you Roberta.
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Jen (Tamarama, NSW)
Thank you for stocking our pantry with such authentic ingredients and quality produce. We really like the flexibility of cooking over a couple of days and changing the order we cook the dishes in when we want to. And I love listening to the themed playlist while cooking.
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Katrina (Arncliffe, NSW)
I am absolutely loving Be Inspired! There are ingredients I have never worked with before so having the confidence to try something new is so much fun! The recipes are just amazing and the notes on what can be prep’d beforehand are a great help too. Thank you so much.
Deb (Belconnen, ACT)
Deb (Belconnen, ACT)
Awesome fun traveling through Emilia-Romagna experiencing first hand some of the produce I've worked with over the last couple of years cooking with Roberta's classes – the family are reaping the benefits now.
Judith (Woronora, NSW)
Judith (Woronora, NSW)
Food, wine and travel! Three of my favourite things! Be Inspired with Roberta has been a wonderful experience and given me more confidence in the kitchen. I have learnt so much, cooked things I never would have attempted without Roberta’s excellent videos, and used ingredients I have never tried before.
Sandra (Garran, ACT)
Sandra (Garran, ACT)
I'm a competent cook whose learned so much from Roberta's online cooking classes. The recipes are yummy and Roberta’s video guidance offers so many little tips to improve flavour and organise the flow of preparation. I enjoy her warmth, sense of humour, and ability to giggle at herself when she occasionally messes up.

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