Steak Tartare

Steak Tartare Like this recipe? You’ll love my online French cooking class Inspired by Damien Pignolet! As a reformed vegetarian, it’s odd that my favourite way to eat meat is raw, but I can rarely resist this dish when I see it on a menu. I love the theatre of it being mixed tableside by […]

Chopped Salad

Chopped Salad Like this recipe? You’ll love my online Middle Eastern cooking class inspired by Michael Rantissi! Of course we all love to cook – but occasionally, there just isn’t time. That’s when I whip up a big bowl of this delicious chopped salad which keeps well for days in the fridge. Found all over […]

Coq au Vin

Coq au Vin Like this recipe? You’ll love my online French cooking class Inspired by Damien Pignolet! Coq au vin was one of the first French dishes I ever cooked, and it seemed terribly sophisticated in the early ‘80s. Literally ‘rooster in wine’, it’s a classic braise of chicken, onion, mushrooms and lardon (cured pork […]

Funghi Trifolati

Funghi Trifolati Join my food & wine tour to Italy to discover more Italian regional specialties! Trifolati is an Italian term for dishes cooked in olive oil with garlic and parsley; mushrooms, zucchini and kidneys are often prepared this way. This was one of my favourite starters in Sydney’s 1980s suburban Italian restaurants, where exotic […]

Steak Diane

Steak Diane Like this recipe? You’ll love my online French cooking class Inspired by Damien Pignolet! I love food history almost as much as I love food. I always thought this dish of steak with a garlicky sauce was a French classic as it appears on many bistro menus. In fact, steak Diane originated in […]

Vitello Tonnato

Vitello Tonnato Join my food & wine tour to Italy to discover more Italian regional specialties! This elegant Italian version of surf and turf hails from the north-western region of Piedmont. It is delicious, though when prepared correctly not particularly attractive, and its English description of ‘poached veal in tuna mayonnaise’ doesn’t do it justice […]

Guacamole & Pico de Gallo

Guacamole & Pico de Gallo Like this recipe? Try it with Crisp Potato Skins! Guacamole is one of the quickest snacks to toss together and serve with drinks. It seems lime juice is not traditional – but it’s the best way I know to stop the avocado from browning, and I like the tang it […]

Bacon and Egg Pie

Bacon & Egg Pie Like this recipe? You’ll love my online cooking class Inspired by Janni Kyritsis! Bacon and egg pie is perfect for breakfast, lunch or dinner and, as it’s great served at room temperature, it makes ideal picnic fare. Best of all, the ingredients will be on hand in a well-stocked fridge. I […]

Pumpkin Soup

Pumpkin Soup Like this recipe? You’ll love my online Australian cooking class inspired by Matt Moran! Pumpkin soup is an Aussie classic, so quick and easy that it’s a staple on pub menus and family dinner tables across the land. I find many versions too sweet, so spice mine up with a dash of ginger […]

Chicken Kiev

Chicken Kiev Like this recipe? You’ll love my online cooking class featuring the food of America’s Deep South! I love this retro dish of deep-fried chicken breast wrapped around garlicky herb butter – it looks so impressive, but is really quite easy if you follow the recipe step-by-step. I use chives, parsley and tarragon because […]

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