Top 5 Vegetarian Menus

  Have you noticed how ‘plant-based menus’ have replaced ‘vegetarian menus’? It makes sense; while vegetarian smacks of mung beans and anaemic-looking hippies – plant-based speaks to concern for the planet’s limited resources and our own well-being. Vegetarian is a lifestyle but plant-based is just a menu option. Far from being fringe, many of Sydney’s […]

Top 5 Lucio’s Italian Restaurant

As Lennon and McCartney wrote: ‘there are places I’ll remember all my life’ – and Lucio’s Italian Restaurant is certainly that for generations of Sydneysiders. While Sydney is blessed with much good food, wine and service, much rarer is the authentic hospitality in rooms full of colour, laughter and creative energy that transform a good […]

Top 5 French Restaurants in Sydney

When I think of French food, I think of traditional Parisian bistros and casual country restaurants serving simple classics, rather than Michelin-starred temples of gastronomy. French cuisine isn’t as well represented in Sydney as it should be but there are a few great places that transport me straight back to Paris. Here are my top […]

Top 5 Sydney Restaurants Reopening

If you’re not quite ready for dine-in, remember that these restaurants are all still doing great take away. Other favourites already reopening (and doing fabulous take away) include Lucio’s (1-sitting lunches or dinners for exclusive-use table of 10, what fun!!) ~ Yellow (vegetarian like never before) ~ Pilu at Freshwater ~ Don’t Tell Aunty ~ […]

Top 5 Restaurants Turning Into Markets (Covid19)

When restaurants across NSW closed for dine-in meals on Monday 23 March, some businesses quickly pivoted to take-away to stay viable and support their communities, including the staff and suppliers relying on them. Others took a few weeks to consider their approach and have now morphed into grocers, bakers and suppliers of all the Ingredients […]

Top 5 Sydney Restaurants Coronavirus Response

Someone said the other day: “If you want to know what it’s like in the hospitality industry right now, remember when the Titanic was sinking and the band played on, well we’re the band!” With restaurants across the state closed for dine-in meals from Monday 23 March 2020, I’m so worried for our hospitality industry. […]

Top 5 Dumplings and Noodles

Food is often symbolic in Chinese culture: noodles represents longevity (don’t ever cut them, just slurp them up whole) and dumplings look like little coin purses to attract prosperity. Add a splash of red chilli for good fortune and golden pan-fried deliciousness for power and you can eat your way to health, wealth and happiness. […]

Top 5 Best German Food in Sydney

Living in Sydney, I like winter. I look forward to a few months each year where I can wrap up in colourful scarves, pull on a large coat and enjoy the smell of wood fires – and some hearty northern European fare. When the mercury starts to dip, I crave German food and here’s where […]

Top 5 Cheese Dishes

  I love cheese in all its milky goodness: soft and hard, goat and cow (sheep and buffalo too), mild and pungent, mouldy and crumbly, blue and white. I love it in salads, souffles, fondue, scraped off a wheel of raclette onto boiled potatoes, or just a perfectly ripe chunk on a piece of excellent […]

Top 5 Indian Restaurants

The spice-rich food of the Indian subcontinent (from Pakistan to Sri Lanka) has long been a takeaway mainstay. While repetitive menus of samosas, butter chicken and beef vindaloo haven’t done this rich cuisine any favours, authentic ‘cheap & cheerful’ restaurants in suburbs with large Indian populations (such as Harris Park) set the record straight, as […]

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