German Potato & Chervil Soup (Kerbelsuppe)

German Potato & Chervil Soup Like this recipe? You’ll love my online Swiss cooking class! German potato & chervil soup (kerbelsuppe) is traditionally eaten on Maundy Thursday, the day before Good Friday which celebrates the Last Supper; in German this day is also known as Gründonnerstag (‘green Thursday’). Some traditional recipes thicken kerbelsuppe with an […]

Chicken Avgolemono Soup

Chicken Avgolemono Soup Avgolemono is a classic Greek combination of egg (avgo), lemon (lemono) and stock to create a tangy soup or sauce. As a soup it’s usually made from chicken stock with rice cooked in it, a typical example of peasant cuisine where nothing is wasted (the meat from the chicken bones added back […]

La Ribollita (Tuscan Bread & Bean Soup)

La Ribollita The famous Tuscan soup, Ribollita, is a classic example of delicious cucina povera (peasant cooking). The name literally means ‘reboiled’ as it was created to use up leftover beans and vegetables cooked for Friday, the fast day when no meat was eaten. On Saturday, they were turned into a hearty soup with stale […]

French Onion Soup

French Onion Soup Soup, bread, cheese: three of my favourite comfort foods. I love French onion soup because it combines all three! Beef stock is considered the traditional base, but I often use chicken stock or just water. Sometimes I use the stock leftover from poaching veal for vitello tonnato and find the vinegar cuts […]

Watercress Soup

Watercress Soup Like this recipe? You’ll love my online British cooking class! I love the pepperiness of watercress but picking the leaves for a salad can be quite tedious. You’ll need about 2 bunches for this watercress soup, but the beauty is there’s no picking required, you can use almost all of it, just discard […]

Turkish Lentil Soup (Mercimek Corbasi)

Turkish Lentil Soup I lived on this delicious lentil soup when I was in Turkey for three months in 1988. My recipe is adapted from one that I had on the Black Sea coast made by a young lady called Zerrin. A Turkish friend translated for me as she told us how to make it […]

Chicken & Sweet Corn Soup

Chicken & Sweet Corn Soup This is my version of the classic Cantonese chicken and sweet corn soup found on every suburban Chinese restaurant menu. I add egg noodles to create a simple one pot dish, but you could leave them out to make a starter for 8 people (learn how to hand-stretch Chinese noodles […]

Pumpkin Soup

Pumpkin Soup Pumpkin soup is an Aussie classic, so quick and easy that it’s a staple on pub menus and family dinner tables across the land. I find many versions too sweet, so spice mine up with a dash of ginger and cumin and add tang with a swirl of Pepe Saya crème frâiche, though […]

Middle Eastern Zucchini Soup

Middle Eastern Zucchini Soup I love soup at any time of year – and fresh green veggie soups are so quick and easy. This is not a traditional Middle Eastern dish, just my take on zucchini soup. Cumin is one of my favourite spices and it adds a lovely fragrant earthiness to this soup, while […]

Chicken Minestrone

Chicken Minestrone Literally meaning ‘big soup’, minestrone is a hearty Italian dish half way between a soup and a stew. Vegetable-based, it was traditionally made from leftovers and whatever was in the garden or foraged nearby, so feel free to use this recipe as a guide for your own inspiration. Beans or pasta, often both, […]

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