
Hummus Like this recipe? You’ll love my online Lebanese cooking class! I was taught to make hummus by a Cypriot friend’s grandmother and her recipe produces a wonderfully creamy result; she insisted we remove the skins from the chickpeas to make a really smooth hummus. I find it quite therapeutic popping them out of their […]

Gnocchi Fritti with Salumi Antipasti

Gnocchi Fritti with Salumi Join my Small Group Food & Wine Tours to Emilia-Romagna, Home of Gnocchi Fritti Gnocchi fritti are crisp puffs of deep-fried dough served with salumi all over Emilia-Romagna, they’re also popular in neighbouring Lombardy where they’re called chisolini. If you (or your guests) don’t eat salumi, they’re excellent with smoked salmon […]

Rosemary Potatoes

Rosemary Potatoes Like this recipe? You’ll love my online Australian cooking class inspired by Matt Moran! Rosemary is surprisingly easy to grow (trust me, I’m no gardener and mine has thrived). So consider popping a cutting in some soil and having it on hand to add its wonderful aroma to dishes like these roast rosemary […]

Spicy Slaw

Spicy Slaw Like this recipe? You’ll love my online cooking class featuring the food of America’s Deep South! This spicy coleslaw is a great way to liven up a simple poached chicken, steak or piece of grilled fish. It’s also delicious on a sandwich with a hard cheese (like cheddar) or a fried egg. I […]

Potato Salad

Potato Salad Like this recipe? You’ll love my online cooking class featuring the food of America’s Deep South! Potato salad is my go-to dish for picnics, barbecues and any family gathering, it’s delicious with virtually everything, including veal schnitzel. For me, hard boiled eggs are a must; the yolks break up a little and add […]

Chive Pull Aparts

Chive Pull Aparts Like this recipe? You’ll love my online Australian cooking class inspired by Matt Moran! These pull-aparts are simply a scone dough rolled up with a savoury filling. So, as with any scones, the trick is not to handle the dough any more than is necessary (see video below). Use any filling you […]

Easy Sauce Béarnaise

Easy Sauce Béarnaise Like this recipe? You’ll love my online French cooking class Inspired by Damien Pignolet! Sauce Béarnaise is the classic accompaniment to roast beef. It’s named for Béarn in southwestern France, the birthplace of Henri IV, although the rather tenuous connection seems to be that it was created around 1830 at a Parisian […]

Chopped Salad

Chopped Salad Like this recipe? You’ll love my online Middle Eastern cooking class inspired by Michael Rantissi! Of course we all love to cook – but occasionally, there just isn’t time. That’s when I whip up a big bowl of this delicious chopped salad which keeps well for days in the fridge. Found all over […]

Pommes Dauphinoise

Pommes Dauphinoise Like this recipe? You’ll love my online French cooking class Inspired by Damien Pignolet! Also known as gratin Dauphinoise, or more simply ‘potato bake’, pommes Dauphinoise is a delicious layering of potatoes and cream and the perfect accompaniment to many steak dishes. It originated in the Dauphiné region of southeastern France, famous for […]

Guacamole & Pico de Gallo

Guacamole & Pico de Gallo Like this recipe? Try it with Crisp Potato Skins! Guacamole is one of the quickest snacks to toss together and serve with drinks. It seems lime juice is not traditional – but it’s the best way I know to stop the avocado from browning, and I like the tang it […]

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