Truffles are one of winter’s great delights! These little black nuggets with the unmistakable aroma cost upward of $2,500/kilo – but you only need a few grams for an indulgent breakfast treat and you can order a small one online for around $75 (with delivery) from Fish River Truffles near Bathurst (use code Roberta20 to save 20%). Keep the indulgence going with a slightly sweet Moscato d’Asti, such as the wonderful organic one from brother and sister, Alessandra and Gian Luigi Bera, at just 5.5% alcohol it’s the perfect breakfast wine. Poached eggs work well with this truffle sandwich too.
Serves 2
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These little black nuggets with the unmistakable aroma cost upwards of $2,500/kilo. But you can buy a small truffle for about $75, enough to add great flavour to a dish for 2-4 people.
With this truffle and egg sandwich, try an off-dry Moscato d’Asti, such as the wonderful organic one from brother and sister, Alessandra and Gian Luigi Bera.