Shish barak (شيش برك) are little meat filled dumplings cooked in yoghurt sauce, similar to Turkish manti. I find that the longer the dough rests the easier it is to work with, as the gluten relaxes so it’s less likely to spring back when you roll it out. You can rest it at room temperature for several hours or refrigerate it overnight and return it to room temperature before rolling; it freezes well too. If you have a pasta machine, you can use that to roll out the dough. Shish barak can seem fiddly to fill and fold at first as they’re so small, a bit like Italian tortellini which the shape resembles, but once you get in the flow they’re easy and fun to make. The raw dumplings freeze well too so it’s worth making a big batch to use for future quick meals; cook them from frozen in boiling salted water or simmering yoghurt. I like shish barak as a main course with vermicelli rice (see video below), but they also make an appetite-stimulating starter. Either way I love the full-flavoured pinot gris from Innocent Bystander with them, it has plenty of juicy fruit and citrus zest to balance the tangy yoghurt.
Serves 2 as a main or 4 as a starter (makes about 44 pieces)
Shish Barak Dough
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