Traditional southern barbecue is all about sturdy cuts of beef and pork that can take a long slow cook. My Southern-style BBQ octopus is the pescatarian equivalent as, like its cephalopod cousins squid and cuttlefish, it needs to be cooked either very quickly or very slowly, anything in between will render it tough. This recipe uses the quick cook method then tosses the octopus in some of the barbecue sauce while it’s still warm so it soaks up the flavour. This gives the most tender result, but if you don’t mind a bit of bite in your Southern-style BBQ octopus, see the alternative slow cooking method below which gives a greater charry barbecue flavour with a much chewier texture. Whichever way you cook it, for a great wine match try a glass of red wine from Sicily’s Mount Etna, like the Le Sabbie dell’Etna Rosso from Firriato.
Serves 2
Alternative Method
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