I love retro chicken Kiev! Deep-fried chicken breast wrapped around garlicky herb butter – it looks so impressive, but is really quite easy if you follow the recipe step-by-step. I use chives, parsley and tarragon because that’s what’s in the herb patch, but any combination of herbs works well in chicken Kiev butter. The traditional chicken Kiev cut is chicken supreme, a skinless breast fillet with the first joint of the wing still attached. Buy them from a specialist poultry shop, ask your butcher to prepare them, or just use regular chicken breast fillets. A recipe this buttery makes me think of chardonnay, ideally one with plenty of acid to cut through the butter. The herbal, savoury notes and balanced acid of Angus Vinden’s Hunter Valley chardonnay is the perfect pairing for chicken Kiev. See the video below for another classic deep-fried chicken recipe.
Serves 4
Garlic & Herb Butter
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