Seared Tuna with Garlic Sauce

Seared Tuna with Garlic Sauce Like this recipe? You’ll love my online Asian home cooking class inspired by Cheong Liew! The sauce that chef Cheong Liew serves with thin slices of poached pork is equally delicious in this dish of seared tuna with garlic sauce. As the tuna is quite rare, almost raw, it’s important […]

Grilled Provençal Prawns with Ratatouille

Grilled Provençal Prawns with Ratatouille Like this recipe? You’ll love my online French cooking class featuring the food of Provence! The biggest mistake home cooks make when preparing seafood is overcooking it. This is especially true with prawns which are tender, sweet and delicious when cooked properly, but too often end up rubbery and tasteless […]

Char-grilled Five Spice Prawns

Char-grilled Five Spice Prawns Like this recipe? You’ll love my online Vietnamese cooking class inspired by Mark Jensen! Char-grilled five spice prawns are a great filling for Vietnamese rice flour crepes, bánh xèo, or served simply with a platter of fresh herbs and leaves – such as perilla, Vietnamese mint, Thai basil, bean sprouts and […]

Coriander & Mint Sauce

Coriander & Mint Sauce Like this recipe? You’ll love my online Indian cooking class inspired by Ajoy Joshi! This slightly spicy coriander & mint sauce is a riff on hari chutney, the traditional accompaniment to that colourful crunchy Indian street-side snack, chaat. My recipe is inspired by a sauce Ajoy Joshi serves at Nilgiri’s Indian […]

Black Bean & Chilli Prawns with Crisp Noodles

Black Bean & Chilli Prawns with Crisp Noodles Like this recipe? You’ll love my online Asian home cooking class inspired by Cheong Liew! This black bean & chilli prawns recipe is a riff on Chinese cuisine’s classic black bean and chilli combo often seen with clams, especially pipis. It’s a very versatile seasoning and great […]

Prawn Laksa Lemak

Prawn Laksa Lemak Like this recipe? You’ll love my online Singaporean cooking class! There are as many different versions of laksa as there are cooks, every Singaporean and Malaysian adds their own spin and there are distinct regional variations. Not all laksas contain coconut milk, but laksa lemak always does. Laksa lemak originated around the […]

Garlic Squid

Garlic Squid Like this recipe? You’ll love my online Spanish cooking class! Spaniards love meat or seafood cooked in oil and garlic: garlic prawns, garlic chicken and garlic squid. I use beautiful southern calamari for this simple tasty dish of calamares al ajillo as I love their delicate flesh, but you could use any squid, […]

Crispy Octopus with Prickly Ash

Crispy Octopus with Prickly Ash Like this recipe? You’ll love my online Asian home cooking class inspired by Cheong Liew! The Chinese double cooking method of poaching or braising then frying is rarely used with seafood due to its delicate texture. The exception is octopus, which can be tough if not cooked correctly; large octopus […]

Octopus Cooked Ossobuco-style

Octopus Cooked Ossobuco-style Like this recipe? You’ll love my online Northern Italian cooking class inspired by Alessandro Pavoni! With its firm texture, octopus lends itself perfectly to the long slow braise that makes traditional ossobuco so delicious and fall apart tender. Large ‘hands’ of octopus tentacles can be cooked this way as well: cut them […]

Portuguese Clams in White Wine

Portuguese Clams in White Wine Like this recipe? You’ll love my online Portuguese cooking class! Clams are very popular in Portugal. Amêijoas com vinho branco (Portuguese clams in white wine) are typically cooked over an open fire in a traditional cataplana, a metal vessel made of two concave halves that clip together to tightly enclose […]

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