Top 5
Non-Alcoholic Beverages

Non-alcoholic adult beverages

The non-alcoholic adult beverage market is gaining real momentum, with Forbes reporting that it surpassed US$11 billion in 2022. While many offerings still fall short of the mark attempting to compensate for the mouthfeel of the glycerol in alcohol with added sugar, new players are appearing virtually every month and more traditional players are starting to offer no-alcohol options. Whether you, or someone you know, is abstaining for health, religious or designated-driver reasons, opting for an alcohol-free day or tiger-striping (alternating non-alcoholic and alcoholic drinks), it’s good to have something more interesting than lemon squash on offer. Here are five of the best non-alcoholic options I’ve found so far.


While many producers are stripping alcohol out of traditionally-made wines, this Aussie company starts from scratch, combining fruits, vegetables, spices, herbs and more to create a balanced layering of aromas, flavours and tannin. The range of lightly sparkling drinks look like wine – from soft whites, through pretty rosés to bright Burgundies – and smell and taste great, always with a refreshing acidity and underlining touch of salinity.


Campari-look-alike Etota from Byron Bay inspired me to create a non-alcoholic version of my favourite pre-dinner drink, negroni sbagliato. Flavoured with gentian, rhubarb, grapefruit and rooibos, Etota is more bitter than Campari which suits me. With a nip of Palermo Rosso, non-alcoholic ‘vermouth’, for earthy sweetness and a splash of Plus and Minus non-alcoholic prosecco, it makes a drink I’m happy to sip all night.

Vinada Iberian Gold

While I generally prefer my drinks super-dry, I make an exception for bubbles where I find a subtle touch of sweetness can help bring it all together. This Spanish fizz is a dealcoholized wine made from Airén, one of Spain’s most popular white grapes. It has good bead, a pleasant nose and is very easy-drinking.

Sea Arch Sea & T

There’s nothing more refreshing than a G&T on a hot day – and this non-alcoholic alternative from southwest England comes pretty close to the real thing. Maritime botanicals marry with juniper and a light Indian tonic water to create the aroma and flavour of a classic gin and tonic. And the handy can makes it perfect for picnics and camping.

Banks Botanicals Yuzu Spritz

Banks Herbarium is a non-alcoholic gin-alternative distilled in Victoria’s Yara Valley with Aussie native botanicals including lemon myrtle, wattle and pepperberry. Mixed with the freshness of yuzu, lemon and basil it makes a lightly sparkling, striking green drink that’s deliciously refreshing poured over ice. Aperol fans with a sweeter palate will also love the Banks Italian Spritz.

My overall pick in the dealcoholised wines category is Plus and Minus made by Aussie winemakers. The absence of alcohol means they’re a little shorter on the palate than conventional wines but they look, taste, and smell like the real deal.

Like this list?
Check out my Top 5 Persian Drinks
(They’re all non-alcoholic and delicious too)!

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Melisa (Beacon Hill, NSW)
Melisa (Beacon Hill, NSW)
We made the pot-sticker dumplings and bang bang chicken from the Chinese class the other night. Once again both exceeded our expectations. My husband keeps saying it’s better than going out to restaurants as the recipes and quality are amazing.
Glennis (Caringbah South, NSW)
Glennis (Caringbah South, NSW)
The whole Be Inspired experience has helped me love cooking again. I was sick of cooking the same old things - meal time is a lot brighter thanks to you Roberta.
Pam (Cammeray, NSW)
Pam (Cammeray, NSW)
Your recipes are something I always feel confident offering guests and also reasonable in the time to prepare. We often try your recommended wines and suppliers and enjoy your travel tales too!
Jen (Tamarama, NSW)
Jen (Tamarama, NSW)
Thank you for stocking our pantry with such authentic ingredients and quality produce. We really like the flexibility of cooking over a couple of days and changing the order we cook the dishes in when we want to. And I love listening to the themed playlist while cooking.
Katrina (Arncliffe, NSW)
Katrina (Arncliffe, NSW)
I am absolutely loving Be Inspired! There are ingredients I have never worked with before so having the confidence to try something new is so much fun! The recipes are just amazing and the notes on what can be prep’d beforehand are a great help too. Thank you so much.
Deb (Belconnen, ACT)
Deb (Belconnen, ACT)
Awesome fun traveling through Emilia-Romagna experiencing first hand some of the produce I've worked with over the last couple of years cooking with Roberta's classes – the family are reaping the benefits now.
Judith (Woronora, NSW)
Judith (Woronora, NSW)
Food, wine and travel! Three of my favourite things! Be Inspired with Roberta has been a wonderful experience and given me more confidence in the kitchen. I have learnt so much, cooked things I never would have attempted without Roberta’s excellent videos, and used ingredients I have never tried before.
Sandra (Garran, ACT)
Sandra (Garran, ACT)
I'm a competent cook whose learned so much from Roberta's online cooking classes. The recipes are yummy and Roberta’s video guidance offers so many little tips to improve flavour and organise the flow of preparation. I enjoy her warmth, sense of humour, and ability to giggle at herself when she occasionally messes up.
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