Snails in Garlic Herb Butter

Snails in Garlic Butter Like this recipe? You’ll love my online French cooking class Inspired by Damien Pignolet! Escargots à la Bourguignonne. Is there anything more French than escargot? In this classic dish from Burgundy, the snails are really just a vehicle for the delicious garlic and herb butter, so ensure you have plenty of […]

Kisir (Turkish Tabouli)

Kisir (Turkish Tabouli) Like this recipe? You’ll love my online Turkish cooking class inspired by Somer Sivrioglu! I’m a fan of traditional recipes but every now and then I prefer to do things my way. And I’ve always made tabouli with far more cracked wheat than any Lebanese cook ever would. Then I realised I […]

Guinea Fowl Bisteeya

Guinea Fowl Bisteeya Like this recipe? You’ll love my online Middle Eastern cooking class inspired by Michael Rantissi! Variously written as bisteeya, bastilla, bestela, bastila, pastilla or pastila, this Moroccan pie has many variations but is traditionally an elaborately spiced preparation of pigeon, egg, almonds and warqa pastry, which is similar to Greek fillo pastry. […]

La Ribollita (Tuscan Bread & Bean Soup)

La Ribollita Join my food & wine tour to Italy to discover more Italian regional specialties! The famous Tuscan soup, Ribollita, is a classic example of delicious cucina povera (peasant cooking). The name literally means ‘reboiled’ as it was created to use up leftover beans and vegetables cooked for Friday, the fast day when no […]

Axoa d’Espelette (Basque Veal Stew)

Axoa d’Espelette (Basque Veal Stew) Like this recipe? You’ll love my online French cooking class Inspired by Damien Pignolet! I discovered axoa d’Espelette, a classic Basque dish, when I visited the town of Espelette in southwestern France, famous for its mild dark red chillies drying under the eaves of the whitewashed houses. I brought home […]


Tapenade Like this recipe? You’ll love my online French cooking class featuring the food of Provence! I love salt, so a dish made of black olives, capers and anchovies is right up my alley. Tapenade hails from Provence in the sunny south of France and is generally regarded as an olive paste, however the name […]

Poussin with Preserved Lemon Salata

Poussin with Preserved Lemon Salata Like this recipe? You’ll love my online Middle Eastern cooking class inspired by Michael Rantissi! Poussins, French for chicks, are young chickens, sometimes called spatchcocks. They’re a good size to serve whole or halved, but you can also make this dish with a regular-size chicken and just increase the cooking […]

Spicy Slaw

Spicy Slaw Like this recipe? You’ll love my online cooking class featuring the food of America’s Deep South! This spicy coleslaw is a great way to liven up a simple poached chicken, steak or piece of grilled fish. It’s also delicious on a sandwich with a hard cheese (like cheddar) or a fried egg. I […]

Steak Tartare

Steak Tartare Like this recipe? You’ll love my online French cooking class Inspired by Damien Pignolet! As a reformed vegetarian, it’s odd that my favourite way to eat meat is raw, but I can rarely resist this dish when I see it on a menu. I love the theatre of it being mixed tableside by […]

Chopped Salad

Chopped Salad Like this recipe? You’ll love my online Middle Eastern cooking class inspired by Michael Rantissi! Of course we all love to cook – but occasionally, there just isn’t time. That’s when I whip up a big bowl of this delicious chopped salad which keeps well for days in the fridge. Found all over […]

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