Za’atar Like this recipe? You’ll love my online Lebanese cooking class! Za’atar simply means thyme in Arabic and the smell of wild thyme crushed underfoot as you walk through the hills in Lebanon is one of the most evocative aromas. Za’atar as a spice blend is a mixture of dried thyme, sumac (a ground tangy, […]
Quick Kimchi
Quick Kimchi Like this recipe? You’ll love my online Asian home cooking class inspired by Cheong Liew! Kimchi, Korean spicy pickled cabbage, is a great side dish with almost anything. Cabbage ferments quickly, especially if you start it off at room temperature for a day. Kimchi is even delicious eaten as soon it’s made, without […]
Radishes with Cultured Butter & Salt
Radishes with Cultured Butter Like this recipe? You’ll love my online French cooking class featuring the food of Provence! I heard about this way of serving radishes many years ago, but it made no sense. Then one day I was served the most beautiful baby radishes with cultured butter and salt flakes – and it […]
Deep-fried Ice Cream
Deep-Fried Ice Cream Like this recipe? You’ll love my online Chinese cooking class! Like most Anglo-Celtic Aussies growing up in the 1970s, Chinese was the first foreign food I ever tasted and, at the time, frying ice cream was about as exotic a thing as I could imagine. Thankfully Chinese food in Australia has come […]
Pimientos de Padron
Pimientos de Padrón (Padron Peppers) Like this recipe? You’ll love my online Spanish cooking class! Looking for something different to get your next gatherings off to a great start? The darling of many fancy restaurants, Pimientos de Padrón (or Padron peppers) are plump little Spanish chillies grown near Queensland’s Sunshine Coast and they’re the easiest […]
Pommes Dauphinoise
Pommes Dauphinoise Like this recipe? You’ll love my online French cooking class Inspired by Damien Pignolet! Also known as gratin Dauphinoise, or more simply ‘potato bake’, pommes Dauphinoise is a delicious layering of potatoes and cream and the perfect accompaniment to many steak dishes. It originated in the Dauphiné region of southeastern France, famous for […]