How To Slice Fish For Sushi & Sashimi

How To Slice Fish For Sushi & Sashimi Master Kitchen Basics & Explore New Cuisines & Ingredients with My Online Cooking Classes Sushi and sashimi are two of Japan’s most popular seafood dishes. But what’s the difference between sushi and sashimi? Sashimi is raw fish without rice, whereas sushi always contains rice. In Japan a […]

How To Remove Pin-Bones From Fish

How To Remove Pin-Bones From Fish Master Kitchen Basics & Explore New Cuisines & Ingredients with My Online Cooking Classes Fish fillets are versatile, tasty and easy to cook. They’re a lot more enjoyable to eat if you take a few minutes to remove any pin-bones before cooking them. Pin-bones are the fine, flexible bones […]

How To Cook Crispy Skinned Fish Perfectly

How To Cook Crispy Skinned Fish Perfectly Master Kitchen Basics & Explore New Cuisines & Ingredients with My Online Cooking Classes Crispy skinned fish fillets are delicious and look great too. Even if you don’t like eating fish skin, it’s worth cooking fillets with the skin on as it helps protect the delicate flesh from […]

Sate Lilit Ikan

Sate Lilit Ikan Like this recipe? You’ll love my online Indonesian cooking class! Sate lilit, made from minced meat or seafood, is a specialty of Bali. On neighbouring Lombok minced satays are known as sate pusut and in Sumatra, where the mince is moulded into balls then threaded onto the skewers, it’s called sate pentul. […]

Turkish Tuna Meatballs (Balik Köftesi)

Turkish Tuna ‘Meatballs’ (Balik Köftesi) Like this recipe? You’ll love my online Turkish cooking class inspired by Somer Sivrioglu! I learnt to make Turkish köfte (meatballs) from my friend Somer Sivrioglu. Traditionally he makes them with a combination of lamb and beef, but his technique – and the secret ingredient of semolina – work just […]

Porcini Risotto with Salmon

Porcini Risotto with Salmon Like this recipe? You’ll love my online Italian cooking class featuring the food of Emilia-Romagna! While salmon isn’t indigenous to Italian waters – preferring the colder oceans further north – it is very popular in Italy. It’s delicious served with this earthy porcini risotto and the pink flesh contrasts beautifully too. […]

Ocean Trout with Spicy Onion Sauce

Ocean Trout with Spicy Onion Sauce Cooking fish almost entirely on the skin protects the delicate flesh, keeping it moist and succulent. The skin usually ends up a bit charred and looking slightly the worse for wear, so I usually present the fish flesh side up. The skin still tastes great and, if you like […]

Grilled Swordfish with Salmoriglio

Grilled Swordfish with Salmoriglio Swordfish (pesce spada) is one of the most popular fish in the Mediterranean and in southern Italy it’s often served with the classic olive oil and herb sauce, salmoriglio (see video below). It has a wonderful meaty texture but tends to dry out and soften if over cooked, so resist the […]

Fish Head Curry

Fish Head Curry Fish head curry is a classic Singaporean and Malaysian dish. It’s said to have originated in Singapore in the 1950s, though it seems likely that thrifty housewives were finding ways to make fish heads tasty long before then, after all the meat in the cheeks and wings is delicious and plentiful in […]

Five Spice Ling

Five Spice Ling The marinade for this five spice ling, aromatic with star anise, cloves, cinnamon, fennel and Sichuan pepper, is perfect with almost any seafood or poultry. Chef Mark Jensen from Red Lantern (who taught me how to make it) uses it with quail; I love it with firm-fleshed ling and prawns, squid or […]

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