Coconut Jelly

Coconut Jelly Like this recipe? You’ll love my online Malaysian cooking class! This light, fluffy, slightly sweet coconut jelly, often seen on yum cha trolleys, is also a popular finish to a spicy meal in Malaysia where it’s known as agar-agar kelapa. When I don’t have time to make my own coconut milk, I use […]

Pasta Frittata

Pasta Frittata Like this recipe? You’ll love my online Italian cooking class featuring the food of Southern Italy! This is the best way I’ve found to use up leftover pasta that has a relatively dry sauce, such as tagliatelle Bolognese, orecchiette with broccoli and spaghetti aglio e olio. The photo here was made with leftover […]

German Potato & Chervil Soup (Kerbelsuppe)

German Potato & Chervil Soup Like this recipe? You’ll love my online Swiss cooking class! German potato & chervil soup (kerbelsuppe) is traditionally eaten on Maundy Thursday, the day before Good Friday which celebrates the Last Supper; in German this day is also known as Gründonnerstag (‘green Thursday’). Some traditional recipes thicken kerbelsuppe with an […]

Bresaola Salad

Bresaola, Watercress & Egg Salad Like this recipe? You’ll love my online Middle Eastern cooking class inspired by Michael Rantissi! I fell in love with bresaola when I was researching A Lombardian Cookbook in Italy with Alessandro Pavoni. A specialty of Lombardy, bresaola is salt-cured beef eye round that’s dried in the crisp Alpine air. […]

Chicken Avgolemono Soup

Chicken Avgolemono Soup Like this recipe? You’ll love my online Greek cooking class Inspired by Janni Kyritsis! Avgolemono is a classic Greek combination of egg (avgo), lemon (lemono) and stock to create a tangy soup or sauce. As a soup it’s usually made from chicken stock with rice cooked in it, a typical example of […]

Guinea Fowl Bisteeya

Guinea Fowl Bisteeya Like this recipe? You’ll love my online Middle Eastern cooking class inspired by Michael Rantissi! Variously written as bisteeya, bastilla, bestela, bastila, pastilla or pastila, this Moroccan pie has many variations but is traditionally an elaborately spiced preparation of pigeon, egg, almonds and warqa pastry, which is similar to Greek fillo pastry. […]

Grilled Asparagus with Sauce Maltaise

Grilled Asparagus with Sauce Maltaise Like this recipe? You’ll love my online French cooking class featuring the food of Provence! Spring brings so many wonderful ingredients together, including two of my favourites: new season asparagus and blood oranges. And I love combining them in this dish of grilled asparagus with sauce Maltaise. Being one of […]

Nasi Goreng

Nasi Goreng Like this recipe? You’ll love my online Asian home cooking class inspired by Cheong Liew! Sometimes you want to spend all day in the kitchen cooking up a storm; and sometimes you just want a quick and easy meal using what’s on hand. Either way it has to taste great, right? For the […]

Potato Salad

Potato Salad Like this recipe? You’ll love my online cooking class featuring the food of America’s Deep South! Potato salad is my go-to dish for picnics, barbecues and any family gathering, it’s delicious with virtually everything, including veal schnitzel. For me, hard boiled eggs are a must; the yolks break up a little and add […]

Huevos Rancheros

Huevos Rancheros Like this recipe? You’ll love my online cooking class featuring the food of America’s Deep South! Meaning eggs cooked rancher-style, huevos rancheros is a classic Mexican breakfast which, at its most basic, consists of fried eggs with a spicy tomato sauce and tortillas. It also often includes a bit of a fry-up that […]

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