Thai cuisine has many different curries, usually described by their colour, including green, red, yellow and orange. Green curry, typical of the central plains of Thailand, is probably Australia’s most common Thai dish. It’s hot, salty and more pungent than many other Thai curries, and often contains bitter vegetables like apple eggplants for balance. Thai curries are versatile, once you have a good curry paste as a base you can add almost anything. I make my Thai green vegetable curry a little drier than a typical green curry of chicken, but you can add more coconut milk if you prefer it saucier. Use any Asian vegetables you like including sugar snap peas, snake beans and leafy greens, just cut into bite-sized pieces and add them according to how long each will take to cook. I love the contrast of bitter, crunchy pea and apple eggplants and add fresh baby corn too when I find it at my Asian grocer. My recipe for Thai green vegetable curry is inspired by one David Thompson taught me (see video below). Here’s what he told me about getting just the right look, consistency and flavour: “Green curry should have a nice dappling of split coconut oil glistening across the surface, however if the cream splits too much, the oil can mask the other underlying flavours. If there’s too much oil, add a little cold water and stir vigorously to re-emulsify the fat.” David also taught me that, when making green curries with meat, you can be a bit more robust with the seasoning than with vegetable curries. So if you use this recipe for a chicken or beef curry, be a little more generous with the pinches of coriander, cumin, pepper and chilli. Thai curries are always seasoned to the taste of the individual cook anyway. Commercial curry pastes vary greatly in strength. If you use one for this recipe rather than making your own, you’ll need between ¼ and ½ cup depending on the intensity; Thai brands tend to be strongest. I love a glass of Head rosé from the Barossa Valley with this Thai green curry. Behind its pale exterior lies plenty of oomph to meet the curry flavours head-on.

Serves 2

  • 8 ears baby corn
  • 2 apple eggplants
  • ¼ cup coconut cream (60ml)
  • 1 quantity Thai Green Curry Paste
  • ¾ cup coconut milk (180ml)
  • ½ stalk lemongrass, bruised and quartered
  • 2 slices peeled galangal, halved and bruised
  • 2 kaffir lime leaves, torn
  • 80g pea eggplants, picked
  • 2 small green Thai chillies, halved and bruised, or more to taste
  • 2 teaspoons fish sauce, or more to taste (10ml)
  • Pinch grated palm sugar, or more to taste
  • Pinch toasted and coarsely ground coriander seeds
  • Pinch toasted and coarsely ground cumin seeds
  • Pinch freshly ground black pepper, or more to taste
  • Pinch roasted chilli powder, or more to taste
  • Pinch galangal powder
  • Pinch turmeric powder
  • Steamed jasmine rice, for serving
  1. Halve or quarter the corn, depending on the size. Set aside.
  2. Halve and slice the apple eggplants. Set aside.
  3. Heat a saucepan or high-sided frying pan over medium heat.
  4. Add coconut cream and curry paste and fry for 5 minutes or so, until oil floats to the top and it no longer smells raw.
  5. Stir in coconut milk, lemongrass and sliced galangal and cook for 4 minutes or so, stirring regularly.
  6. Add lime leaf, corn, apple and pea eggplants and chillies, return to the boil, reduce heat to low–medium and simmer for 5 minutes or so, stirring occasionally, until vegetables are just tender.
  7. Stir in fish sauce, sugar, coriander, cumin, pepper, and roasted chilli, galangal and turmeric powders and simmer for a few more seconds.
  8. Remove from heat and taste; it should be rich, spicy and salty, add more black pepper, roasted chilli powder or chillies if it’s not spicy enough and a splash more fish sauce or sugar if you think it needs it.
  9. Serve with plenty of steamed rice.

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How To Make Thai Green Curry Paste

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Awesome fun traveling through Emilia-Romagna experiencing first hand some of the produce I've worked with over the last couple of years cooking with Roberta's classes – the family are reaping the benefits now.
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Judith (Woronora, NSW)
Food, wine and travel! Three of my favourite things! Be Inspired with Roberta has been a wonderful experience and given me more confidence in the kitchen. I have learnt so much, cooked things I never would have attempted without Roberta’s excellent videos, and used ingredients I have never tried before.
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Sandra (Garran, ACT)
I'm a competent cook whose learned so much from Roberta's online cooking classes. The recipes are yummy and Roberta’s video guidance offers so many little tips to improve flavour and organise the flow of preparation. I enjoy her warmth, sense of humour, and ability to giggle at herself when she occasionally messes up.
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