Like most Anglo-Celtic Aussies growing up in the 1970s, Chinese was the first foreign food I ever tasted and, at the time, frying ice cream was about as exotic a thing as I could imagine. Thankfully Chinese food in Australia has come a long way since then, but humour me and try this Aussie-Chinese classic. Three things ensure successful deep-fried ice cream: a firmly packed coating of breadcrumbs, very cold ice cream, and very hot oil. I use a 125ml measuring cup to scoop the ice cream out and roll it in my hands to shape into balls. The best way to egg and crumb anything is to use one hand to dip into the egg and the other to roll in the crumbs, at the end you’ll need both hands to press the crumbs onto the balls, but at least start out that way. Use a full-cream ice cream and commercial fine dry breadcrumbs for best results, and serve your deep-fried ice cream with another nip of the Cointreau that went into the sauce! See video below for another Chinese sweet treat.
Serves 4
Salted Butterscotch Sauce
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