How To ...

Good cooking starts with good technique and a few kitchen hacks. Here’s how to master basic kitchen skills, from trussing poultry and segmenting oranges to deep-frying garlic and making tamarind liquid. Mastering these simple techniques will take your cooking to the next level.

Basic Kitchen Skills - How To Make A Bain Marie, How To Use A Bain Marie For Cooking
Basic Kitchen Skills - How To Prepare Artichokes For Cooking


I'll show you how to make the most of fresh, seasonal produce, from roasting capsicums and cooking in banana leaves, to making bouquet garni and cleaning artichokes.

Basic Kitchen Skills - How To Boil Prawns (Shrimp)


Here's how to cook with fresh Australian seafood. From the best way to store and boil prawns to cooking them for sushi, cleaning crabs and stripping squid.

Basic Kitchen Skills - How To Truss A Chicken (How To Truss Poultry) - how to prepare meat & poultry


Trussing any poultry, from quail to turkeys, is easier than you think. I'll show you how to render lard too for Asian cooking and to create crunchy pork scratchings.

Basic Kitchen Skills - How To Make Fresh Egg Pasta, How To Make (Garganelli & Other Shapes)


Making fresh pasta, noodles and dumplings is easy, satisfying and impressive for your next dinner party. Here's how to master basic pasta shapes and cook pasta like a Nonna.

How To Make Dried Turmeric Powder

Spices & Herbs

Herbs and spices add flavour, aroma and colour to so many dishes. Discover how easy it is to dry and grind roots like turmeric, temper spices and prepare saffron for cooking.

How To Make Tamarind Liquid

Asian Basics

The world of Asian cookery is full of mystery for many European cooks. Master these simple techniques and basic ingredients and watch it open up for you.

How To Make A Cartouche - Master Basic Cooking Techniques


Recipes often give directions like 'cook in a bain marie' or 'cover with a cartouche' without giving much detail. Here's how to master these basic techniques and more.

How To Make Breadcrumbs (Fresh Bread Crumbs)

Basic Recipes

Dishes are only as good as the ingredients that go into them. Making fresh breadcrumbs, stocks and mayonnaise is easy, satisfying and cost-effective.

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