Paris: Quirky Shops Self-Guided Walking Tour
Quirky Shops in Paris: Self-Guided Tour Paris is a wonderful city to stroll around. It’s full of gardens, monuments and beautiful unique stores. I love the galleries, boutiques, perfumeries, bookshops, antiques, bric-a-brac and, most of all, the really quirky shops in Paris. Discover The Best Food Shops in Paris on the Place de la Madeleine! […]
Paris: Food Shops on Place de la Madeleine
Shops on Place de la Madeleine (Paris) Paris has many beautiful public squares (‘place’ in French), but none more attractive to food lovers than the one built around the imposing 19th century neoclassical church L’église Sainte-Marie-Madeleine. Discover The Quirkiest Shops in Paris on this Self-Guided Walking Tour! Ringed with gorgeous, indulgent food shops, Place de […]
Paris Bistros
Best Bistros in Paris For food lovers the world over, a pilgrimage to Paris is a rite of passage, but all those Michelin-stars can add a couple of extra zeros to the bill. Thankfully Paris is also the birthplace of bistros, casual restaurants serving traditional French food at great prices. Looking For A Drink? Discover […]
Paris Wine Bars
Top Paris Wine Bars Frenchs joie de vivre is all about eating, drinking and socialising. And Parisians love few things more than a glass of wine and a nibble with friends at one of these top Paris wine bars. Ready For Some Traditional Eats? Discover the Best Bistros in Paris! These great spots combine interesting […]
Wales Food Tour (country guide)
Taste of Wales “Why on earth would you go to Wales on holiday?” a British friend scoffed. He was even more shocked when I said it was as much for the thriving food culture as the gorgeous scenery. As this taste of Wales will show, we often overlook what’s in our own back yard! Join […]
Best Hotels in Italy
Best Hotels in Italy You’ve probably guessed by now that I love Italy – its food, wine, people, scenery and history. I also love its beautiful, distinctive hotels, which are some of the best in Europe at creating a sense of place. Join me on an Italian Food & Wine Adventure Staying At Some Of […]
Santarcangelo di Romagna (city guide)
Santarcangelo di Romagna Food Tour Santarcangelo di Romagna, just inland from Rimini on the Adriatic Coast, is one of my favourite Italian villages. It’s a great base for a a food tour of southern Romagna and neighbouring Marche. Join me on an Italian Food & Wine Adventure Including Beautiful Santarcangelo! Santarcangelo is a bit of […]
Comacchio (city guide)
Comacchio Food Tour Comacchio is like a mini-Venice! This small town, in a lagoon of the Po Delta, is built on 13 islets joined by bridges. Settlement here goes back to the Etruscans and, for a time, Comacchio flourished due to its salt pans. Later however powerful neighbours (including Venice, Ferrara and The Holy See) […]
Mont Vully (regional guide)
Mont-Vully Food & Wine Tour Mont Vully, Switzerland’s smallest wine region, is one of my favourite corners of this beautiful country. It runs along the northern shore of Lake Murten, straddling the cantons of Fribourg and Vaud, with vine-covered hills running down to the lake and stunning views across to the Alps. Join my Swiss […]
Schilthorn Alpine Experience
Schilthorn Alpine Experience Every tour of Switzerland needs an Alpine experience and the Schilthorn is my favourite! The views from the Schilthorn peak were famous among mountaineers for centuries, but it wasn’t until 1967 – when the then world’s longest aerial cable car was installed – that others could enjoy them. Join me on a […]