Apple Crumble

Apple Crumble Like this recipe? You’ll love my online British cooking class! I have more of a savoury than a sweet palate, so I don’t make a lot of desserts. When I do, they have to be super quick and easy like this delicious apple crumble. If you have a sweeter palate you might like […]

La Ribollita (Tuscan Bread & Bean Soup)

La Ribollita Join my food & wine tour to Italy to discover more Italian regional specialties! The famous Tuscan soup, Ribollita, is a classic example of delicious cucina povera (peasant cooking). The name literally means ‘reboiled’ as it was created to use up leftover beans and vegetables cooked for Friday, the fast day when no […]

Axoa d’Espelette (Basque Veal Stew)

Axoa d’Espelette (Basque Veal Stew) Like this recipe? You’ll love my online French cooking class Inspired by Damien Pignolet! I discovered axoa d’Espelette, a classic Basque dish, when I visited the town of Espelette in southwestern France, famous for its mild dark red chillies drying under the eaves of the whitewashed houses. I brought home […]

Nasi Goreng

Nasi Goreng Like this recipe? You’ll love my online Asian home cooking class inspired by Cheong Liew! Sometimes you want to spend all day in the kitchen cooking up a storm; and sometimes you just want a quick and easy meal using what’s on hand. Either way it has to taste great, right? For the […]

Spicy Slaw

Spicy Slaw Like this recipe? You’ll love my online cooking class featuring the food of America’s Deep South! This spicy coleslaw is a great way to liven up a simple poached chicken, steak or piece of grilled fish. It’s also delicious on a sandwich with a hard cheese (like cheddar) or a fried egg. I […]

Preserved Lemons

Preserved Lemons Like this recipe? You’ll love my online Middle Eastern cooking class inspired by Michael Rantissi! Preserved lemons, a Moroccan specialty, are super easy to make, a great pantry staple to spice up many dishes and a wonderful homemade gift. It’s a great way to use excess fruit from a backyard lemon tree; or […]

Huevos Rancheros

Huevos Rancheros Like this recipe? You’ll love my online cooking class featuring the food of America’s Deep South! Meaning eggs cooked rancher-style, huevos rancheros is a classic Mexican breakfast which, at its most basic, consists of fried eggs with a spicy tomato sauce and tortillas. It also often includes a bit of a fry-up that […]

French Onion Soup

French Onion Soup Like this recipe? You’ll love my online French cooking class Inspired by Damien Pignolet! Soup, bread, cheese: three of my favourite comfort foods. I love French onion soup because it combines all three! Beef stock is considered the traditional base, but I often use chicken stock or just water. Sometimes I use […]

Watercress Soup

Watercress Soup Like this recipe? You’ll love my online British cooking class! I love the pepperiness of watercress but picking the leaves for a salad can be quite tedious. You’ll need about 2 bunches for this watercress soup, but the beauty is there’s no picking required, you can use almost all of it, just discard […]

Tarte Tatin

Tarte Tatin Like this recipe? You’ll love my online French cooking class Inspired by Damien Pignolet! Tarte Tatin is one of those classics that I didn’t attempt for a long time for fear it would be too tricky. Turns out it’s super quick and easy, especially if you use a good ready-made shortcrust pastry like […]

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