Roast Chicken with Preserved Lemon

Roast Chicken with Preserved Lemon This super simple, super delicious roast chook is my kind of comfort food. I love the combination of chicken, rice and yoghurt, but you could serve crispy smashed potatoes with it if you prefer. I also love preserved lemons, but it always seems a bit wasteful to throw away the […]

Coq au Vin

Coq au Vin Coq au vin was one of the first French dishes I ever cooked, and it seemed terribly sophisticated in the early ‘80s. Literally ‘rooster in wine’, it’s a classic braise of chicken, onion, mushrooms and lardon (cured pork belly), sometimes thickened with the chicken’s blood (but not in my case). Coq au […]

Chicken & Sweet Corn Soup

Chicken & Sweet Corn Soup This is my version of the classic Cantonese chicken and sweet corn soup found on every suburban Chinese restaurant menu. I add egg noodles to create a simple one pot dish, but you could leave them out to make a starter for 8 people (learn how to hand-stretch Chinese noodles […]

Black Pepper Butter Chicken

Black Pepper Butter Chicken This quick, tasty recipe is my version of a Punjabi dish, kali mirch murgh makhani (literally black pepper chicken with butter). It’s nothing like the fluoro-orange butter chicken of Indian restaurants (which I also love!), nor is it as spicy as the amount of pepper, garlic and ginger might suggest. The […]

Chicken Kiev

Chicken Kiev I love this retro dish of deep-fried chicken breast wrapped around garlicky herb butter – it looks so impressive, but is really quite easy if you follow the recipe step-by-step. I use chives, parsley and tarragon because that’s what’s in the herb patch, but any combination of herbs works well. The traditional chicken […]

Chicken Mushroom Crepes

Chicken & Mushroom Crepes Serve these delicious chicken and mushroom crepes as a main course with a herb salad (I like butter lettuce and chervil) or individually as a starter. The filling can be made the day before, as can the batter or even the crepes, which makes this an easy dish to assemble and […]

Warm Duck & Orange Salad

Warm Duck & Orange Salad I started out wanting to make duck a l’orange, but it was too hot to have the oven on for long, so my recipe morphed into this warm salad, which is just as delicious! Duck breasts are surprisingly easy to cook, or pick some up from a Chinese barbecue shop. […]

Satay Chicken

Satay Chicken Some of my favourite memories from trips to Malaysia and Indonesia are of eating satay chicken skewers from street stalls – I tried all sorts of complicated recipes at home to recreate the flavour without success. Then I came across Ayam satay sauce – made in Malaysia from peanuts, coconut milk, lots of […]

Chicken Schnitzel with Spinach Dhal

Chicken Schnitzel At first glance chicken schnitzel looks German or Austrian, but it actually first caught on in Israel. Schnitzel arrived from Europe with Ashkenazi Jews, but initially veal wasn’t reliably available so chicken or turkey was often used. Today chicken’s become the most common meat for Israeli schnitzel. Keeping it multicultural, I love chicken […]

Chicken Minestrone

Chicken Minestrone Literally meaning ‘big soup’, minestrone is a hearty Italian dish half way between a soup and a stew. Vegetable-based, it was traditionally made from leftovers and whatever was in the garden or foraged nearby, so feel free to use this recipe as a guide for your own inspiration. Beans or pasta, often both, […]

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