One of Puglia’s most popular dishes – riso, patate e cozze (or ‘ris, patan e strazz’ in dialect) originated around Bari in the 16th century during the Spanish rule in southern Italy. It’s a layered dish of rice-stuffed mussels surrounded by delicious potato, and also known as tiella Barese after the city of Bari and the dish in which it’s traditionally baked and served. The tiella is traditionally made from terracotta, but can also be enamel, ceramic or metal. I use an ovenproof cast-iron frying pan which works very well. Apart from the riso, patate e cozze (rice, potato and mussels) listed in the recipe title, tielle Barese always contains small tomatoes and a generous amount of Pecorino Romano to enhance the savouriness of the mussels. Serve a Southern Italian tomato & bread salad alongside your tiella Barese (see video below) and a glass of negramaro, one of Puglia’s most popular grapes. I love the version from Coriole in McLaren Vale, it has a lovely hint of spice and a nice acid finish to balance the richness of this dish.
Serves 2
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