How To Clean Squid

How To Clean Squid and Calamari

Squid, and their cephalopod cousins – calamari, octopus and cuttlefish – are relatively inexpensive and good value as there’s very little waste. They’re also very easy to clean and prepare, so it’s worthwhile buying whole fresh Australian squid rather than frozen, cleaned, imported ones.

Calamari is the Italian word for squid, but in Australia it also refers to those species of squid with side fins running the full length of their bodies, as opposed to those with relatively shorter side fins: southern calamari and northern calamari. These calamari are often more tender than other squid.

Here’s how to clean squid and calamari and prepare them for cooking (scroll down for a step-by-step video):

  1. Grasp the arms and tentacles. Pull firmly to separate the head from the tube, trying not to break the ink sac as the ink stains.
  2. Cut below the eyes. Discard eyes and everything above them.
  3. Push the beak (mouth) out from between the arms. The tentacles and arms can also be washed and used.
  4. Remove the quill from inside the tube.
  5. Push your thumb between the tube and a side fin, to break the skin.
  6. Holding the side fins, twist the tip of the tube to pull it away from the skin.
  7. Grasp the side fins and pull down to peel off the skin around the tube; the side fins can also be peeled and used.
  8. If you are cutting the tube into rings, wash the inside well to remove any remaining gut; otherwise, place the knife inside the tube and cut it open along the obvious seam. Lay the tube out flat and, working across the tube (not from top to bottom), wipe both sides firmly with a clean cloth or kitchen paper to remove any remaining intestines and membrane.
  9. To honeycomb squid (for a dish like stir-fried cumin squid with noodles): hold the knife at a 30-degree angle and score the inside of the tube on the diagonal. Turn the tube around 180 degrees and score again to create a crosshatch pattern.
  10. If slicing tubes that haven’t been honeycombed (for a recipe like this garlic squid), cut from the top to the bottom of tube (rather than across the tube) to prevent curling.

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How To Clean Squid (Calamari)

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