Tofu Ria

Tofu Ria Everyone loves tofu ria – delicious silken bean curd in spicy sauce – even the carnivores! In fact it is one of the most viewed videos on my YouTube channel and has been known to convert tofu haters! Best of all, it’s super quick so perfect for a simple mid-week dinner with steamed […]


Orangettes Like this recipe? You’ll love my online French cooking class featuring the Food of Provence! I started making chocolate-dipped candied orange peel for dinner parties in the 1980s without realizing they had a connection to France. Candied citrus rind isn’t a new thing and I’m sure many people have had the idea of taking […]

Mushroom Duxelles

Mushroom Duxelles Duxelles is a classic French preparation of finely chopped mushroom and onion cooked down in butter with herbs (usually thyme or parsley), black pepper and salt, sometimes with a dash of cream, Sherry or Madeira. It’s used in a range of English recipes including stuffings, sauces and garnishes and, most notably, in beef […]

Potato Focaccia

Potato Focaccia I love authentic focaccia made with a generous amount of olive oil. My recipe is inspired by Ligurian-born restaurateur, Lucio Galletto, who uses more water and oil in his recipe than many I’ve seen, which is what makes his focaccia so delicious. I love how versatile focaccia is and especially enjoy potato focaccia […]

Cumquat Sambal

Cumquat Sambal I’ve eaten Cheong Liew’s cumquat sambal many times. He served it with barbecued hogget at a barbecue for Franz’s 55th birthday and he and Franz served it with lamb cutlets to thousands of people over 2 days at a James Beard festival in New York. Cheong’s given me the recipe several times and […]

Pomegranate Juice

Pomegranate Juice Like this recipe? You’ll love my online Persian cooking class! I’ve enjoyed ob’eh anar – freshly squeezed pomegranate juice – from street stalls all over Tehran, especially in summer when some are open all night to refresh shift workers and people on their way home from an evening out. Pomegranates are native to […]

Paloudeh Talebi (Persian Rockmelon Slushie)

Paloudeh Talebi (Rockmelon Slushie) Like this recipe? You’ll love my online Persian cooking class! Paloudeh talebi are rockmelon slushies sold by street vendors and made in homes throughout summer in Iran; paloudeh is a variation of the word faloodeh, Persia’s famous rose water, lime and noodle granita. These Persian rockmelon slushies can be simply fresh […]

Pa amb Tomàquet (Pan con Tomate)

Pa amb Tomàquet Called pan con tomate in other parts of Spain, this classic Catalan snack is about as simple and delicious as you can get. There are many variations, but this is how it was taught to me many years ago by my Catalan flatmate, Susie. Susie told me that her family always made […]

Patatas Bravas

Patatas Bravas Named for the ‘bold’ sauce that coats them, patatas bravas are deep-fried potato cubes in a spicy, tangy tomato sauce. They’re one of my favourite tapas dishes when done well – that means  freshly fried, not done ahead of time, refrigerated and reheated as happens in too many Spanish restaurants! As the sauce […]

Apple & Pecan Salad

Apple & Pecan Salad Two of the American South’s favourite ingredients, crisp sweet apples and crunchy pecans, come together in this simple salad that’s a bit like a Southern version of Waldorf salad. I like the way it looks layered, with the apple mixture piled onto a bed of mixed greens, but you can just […]

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