Lamb Cutlets with Romesco Sauce
Lamb Cutlets with Romesco Sauce Like this recipe? You’ll love my online Spanish cooking class! Romesco is a Spanish sauce from the region of Catalonia, where a variation called salvitxada is served as a dip for calçots, local spring onions traditionally charred over open fires. Thick green onions or baby leeks make a good alternative […]
Manchego Fennel & Orange Salad
Manchego, Fennel, Orange, Walnut Salad Like this recipe? You’ll love my online Spanish cooking class! Manchego, fennel and orange salad is one of my favourite dishes for summer entertaining. It’s a little different, but quick and easy, and there’s never any left over. The trickiest part is segmenting the oranges, and you can see how […]
Tomato Gazpacho
Tomato Gazpacho Like tomato gazpacho? You’ll love my online Spanish cooking class! Gazpacho is an ancient Spanish bread soup, possibly dating back to Roman times, which was readily adapted to include the New World tomato in the 18th century. Tomato gazpacho makes a delicious, appetite-stimulating start to a summer meal and is great in shot […]