Bagna Cauda Recipe

Bagna Cauda Like this recipe? You’ll love my online Northern Italian cooking class! From the landlocked region of Piedmont pressed against the Alps in north-western Italy, bagna càuda was originally a peasant dish that made the most of winter’s limited vegetables by dressing them in a rich garlicky sauce. Bagna means ‘bath’ and càuda, ‘hot’, […]

Bottarga & Lemon Pappardelle

Bottarga & Lemon Pappardelle Like bottarga?You’ll love my online Italian cooking class featuring the food of Sardinia! I love pasta! I also love lemon and bottarga, so I created this simple recipe combining all three. It’s inspired by my friend and co-author, Giovanni Pilu who introduced me to the joys of bottarga along with many […]

Portuguese Sardine Pate

Sardine Pâté (Paté de Sardinha)

Portuguese Sardine Pate Sardines abound in Portuguese waters and are one of the country’s most popular fish, with each person consuming an average of 5kg per year. Lisbon’s annual sardine festival sees the streets filled with parties, parades and makeshift charcoal grilling stations cooking so many sardines that about 13 are eaten every second of […]

Open Fillo Sandwich with Garlic, Tomato & Anchovy

Open Filo Sandwich with Anchovy Sauce Like this recipe? You’ll love my online Greek cooking class inspired by Janni Kyritsis! This simple filo pastry recipe is inspired by one of my favourite starters from Janni Kyritsis at MG Garage (see the video below for another of Janni’s filo classics). I love the way he pressed […]

Olive, Feta or Anchovy Fillo Fingers

Olive, Feta or Anchovy Fillo Fingers Just about everything I’ve ever cooked has been inspired by something I’ve eaten before and these fillo fingers are no exception – my friend Janni usually whips these up to serve with drinks when friends gather at his place. They’re so simple they hardly need a recipe, and everyone’s […]

Vitello Tonnato

Vitello Tonnato This elegant Italian version of surf and turf hails from the north-western region of Piedmont. It is delicious, though when prepared correctly not particularly attractive, and its English description of ‘poached veal in tuna mayonnaise’ doesn’t do it justice at all! You have to wonder why anyone would want their veal to taste […]


Pissaladière Like this recipe? You’ll love my online French cooking class featuring the Food of Provence! Pissaladière is a classic dish from the city of Nice and is often referred to as Niçoise pizza. Its thin bread base is similar to focaccia and the sweetness of the caramelised onions contrasts beautifully with the salty anchovies […]

Orecchiette Broccoli Anchovies & Chilli

Orecchiette, Broccoli & Anchovies Like this recipe?You’ll love my online Italian cooking class featuring the food of southern Italy! This classic dish of orecchiette, broccoli & anchovies hails from Puglia and is also popular in neighbouring Basilicata. It highlights one of the many reasons to love pasta – it’s literally on the table in less […]

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