Light Asian Chicken Stock

Light Asian Chicken Stock Like this recipe? You’ll love my online Thai cooking class! Stocks came about to use leftover bits and pieces to add flavour to other dishes, and so the ingredients vary from cuisine to cuisine and even cook to cook. Chicken stock (nahm gai in Thai) is as popular in Asian cuisines […]

Black Truffle Ice Cream

Black Truffle Ice Cream Like this recipe? You’ll love my online French cooking class! One of the best ice creams I’ve ever tasted was made by Tim Pak Poy at Claude’s in Woollahra in the early 2000s when Australia’s first truffles were harvested. It was flavoured with violets and black truffle. Inspired by the memory […]

Crème Anglaise (Vanilla Custard)

Crème Anglaise (Vanilla Custard) Master Kitchen Basics & Explore New Cuisines & Ingredients with My Online Cooking Classes Crème Anglaise (a.k.a. vanilla custard) is a versatile pouring custard that’s typically served with fruit desserts, such as crumbles and pies, and often poured into sweet soufflés at the table. As the name suggests, French speakers consider […]

How To Make Secondary Dashi

How To Make Secondary Dashi Like this recipe? You’ll love my online Japanese cooking class! Rather than discard the kelp and bonito used to make primary dashi, it can be reused to make secondary dashi. Secondary dashi  is lighter in flavour than primary dashi and ideal in fuller-flavoured braised dishes and miso soups. Makes about […]

Chicory Gratin

Chicory Gratin Like this recipe? You’ll love my online Swiss cooking class! In northern Europe, notably Switzerland, the greens of chard, chicory and curly endive are often discarded, as it’s the crisp stems that are prized. There’s no need to waste either part of these tasty, healthy vegetables. Use the greens in a pie, salad, […]

Eggplant Fatteh (Fatteh Batenjen)

Eggplant Fatteh Like this recipe? You’ll love my online Lebanese cooking class!   Fatteh comes from the Arabic verb to ‘break up’ or ‘crumble’, which is what’s done to the stale flatbread in this eggplant fatteh recipe. Fatteh is one of those ingenious peasant dishes created to ensure nothing goes to waste and it’s a […]

Ejjeh (Lebanese Omelette)

Ejjeh(Lebanese Omelette) Like this recipe? You’ll love my online Lebanese cooking class! In Lebanon, ejjeh (omelettes), typically filled with just green onion and herbs, are popular as a snack, part of a meze, or as a sandwich filling wrapped inside fresh pita – sometimes with a little extra green onion and parsley or onion and […]

Lamb Stock

Lamb Stock Master Kitchen Basics & Explore New Cuisines & Ingredients with My Online Cooking Classes While we often talk about making chicken (see video below), veal, fish and vegetable stocks, lamb stock is less common. Which is a shame as lamb stock is a flavour bomb – a secret ingredient for making the best […]

How To Make Croutons

How To Make Croutons Master Kitchen Basics & Explore New Cuisines & Ingredients with My Online Cooking Classes Croutons (croûtons in French) are a good way to use up stale bread and are great with dips, soups or tossed through salads. The name crouton is a diminutive of the French croûte, meaning crust. Originally crisped […]

How To Make Bread Crumbs

How To Make Bread Crumbs Master Kitchen Basics & Explore New Cuisines & Ingredients with My Online Cooking Classes Here’s how to make bread crumbs at home. It’s super easy and a great way to avoid food waste. In traditional cuisines food is never wasted, especially something as precious as bread which was revered as […]

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