How To Hand-Pull Noodles

How To Hand-Pull Noodles Master More Chinese Recipes & Kitchen Basics with My Online Chinese Cooking Class Ever stood outside a Chinese noodle shop and watched the noodle maker winding the dough around his wrists like yarn then banging the strands onto the bench to stretch them? I have and, while I’ve wondered how to […]

Chicken with Black Bean & Crispy Noodles

Chicken with Black Bean & Crispy Noodles Like this recipe? You’ll love my online Asian Home Cooking cooking class inspired by Cheong Liew! I love this classic Chinese dish of black bean chicken with crispy noodles. The combination of salty black beans, spicy chilli and slightly sweet smoky oyster sauce is delicious and, while you […]

Black Bean & Chilli Prawns with Crisp Noodles

Black Bean & Chilli Prawns with Crisp Noodles This black bean & chilli prawns recipe is a riff on Chinese cuisine’s classic black bean and chilli combo often seen with clams, especially pipis. It’s a very versatile seasoning and great with any seafood, including simple piece of pan-fried fish. Sichuan chilli sauce is made from […]

Prawns with Strange-flavoured Dressing

Prawns with Strange-flavoured Dressing The odd name of this classic Sichuan sauce (also used in bang bang chicken) comes about because the combination of flavours is a strange one that shouldn’t work, yet does. Strange or not, the prawns with strange-flavoured dressing are in a salty, sweet, nutty, tangy, spicy, numbing sauce that definitely tastes […]

Stir-fried Squid with Cumin & Noodles

Stir-fried Squid with Cumin & Noodles This dish, inspired by the cuisine of Xinjiang in China’s northwest, is all about the noodles and the cumin. While it’s traditionally made with lamb, squid works well because of its firm texture and beef or chicken are also good options. Stretching fresh noodles the traditional Chinese way is […]

Crispy Octopus with Prickly Ash

Crispy Octopus with Prickly Ash The Chinese double cooking method of poaching or braising then frying is rarely used with seafood due to its delicate texture. The exception is octopus, which can be tough if not cooked correctly; large octopus tentacles benefit greatly from this technique, but it also works well with baby octopus. Prickly […]

Prickly Ash (Chinese Salt & Pepper Seasoning)

Prickly Ash Master More Chinese Recipes & Kitchen Basics with My Online Chinese Cooking Class Sichuan peppercorns, those wonderfully numbing little nuggets that are essential to Sichuanese food, aren’t a true pepper but a similar-shaped dried fruit from the prickly ash tree (Zanthoxylum piperitum). This spice has a great aroma, which is amplified by roasting […]

Pipis with Lemongrass, Chilli & Garlic

Pipis with Lemongrass, Chilli & Garlic There’s nothing like a quick and easy stir-fry when you’re short on time; these pipis with lemongrass are inspired by a recipe from chef Mark Jensen of Red Lantern in Darlinghurst. I make it with Goolwa pipis from South Australia as I usually have a bag in the freezer […]

Guangxi-Style Smoked Trout Salad

Guangxi-Style Smoked Trout Salad This Guangxi-style smoked trout salad is inspired by a versatile pork salad by Spice Temple chef Andy Evans. It’s more a concept than a recipe; Andy usually makes it with char siu (see video below) and it’s just as delicious with cooked prawns, barbecued squid or even sashimi salmon or tuna. […]

Smoked Eel San Choy Bau

Smoked Eel San Choy Bau Use my smoked eel san choy bau recipe as inspiration for all sorts of san choy bau, wok-tossed chopped prawns or squid make great variations, as do chicken, quail or pork. To get neat lettuce cups remove outer lettuce leaves and reserve for another dish, cut out and discard the […]

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