Red Rice & Herb Cake

Red Rice & Herb Cake Like this recipe? You’ll love my online Vietnamese cooking class inspired by Mark Jensen! Every rice-centred cuisine has a version of fried rice to use up leftover cooked rice. I created this red rice & herb cake inspired by the Vietnamese tomato rice, cơm đỏ, which Mark Jensen introduced me […]

Vietnamese Chicken Rice Soup

Vietnamese Chicken Rice Soup Like this recipe? You’ll love my online Vietnamese cooking class inspired by Mark Jensen! Every culture seems to have a chicken soup that’s the universal panacea, and in Vietnam it’s cháo gà. Similar to Chinese congee, it’s sometimes called chicken rice porridge and is generally a breakfast dish, often served with […]

Banh Mi

Bánh Mí Like this recipe? You’ll love my online Vietnamese cooking class inspired by Mark Jensen! I love the way food travels around the world, weaving aspects of one culture into another. The French brought their crisp, fluffy baguettes to Vietnam in the mid-1800s and just over a century later, the Vietnamese brought them to […]

Quesadillas with Salsa Verde

Quesadillas with Mexican Salsa Verde Like Cheese?Find More Delicious Cheese Recipes Here! I love recipes that are so simple they’re hardly a recipe at all – where great produce and flavours shine and I don’t have to do too much. That’s what these simple fried cheese sandwiches are all about, especially served with vibrant green […]

Bruschetta Caprese

Bruschetta Caprese Join my food & wine tour to Southern Italy to discover more Italian regional specialties! It’s good to eat with the seasons, but occasionally I want a touch of summer year-round – that’s when I call on a few of my favourite things and create this delicious bruschetta Caprese. Windy Hills Farm pots […]

Pan-fried Radicchio

Pan-fried Agrodolce Radicchio Join my food & wine tour to Italy to discover more Italian regional specialties! Radicchio is a wonderfully versatile vegetable. In Italy it’s popular cooked as well as in salads; the cooking softens the bitterness and brings out a touch of sweetness. I often shred it and toss it through pasta with […]

Mushroom Bruschetta

Mushroom Bruschetta Join my food & wine tour to Italy to discover more seasonal Italian specialties! One of the things I loved most about Lucio’s Paddington restaurant was the seasonal bruschetta that always arrived with our aperitivi, a tradition I like to continue at home. In autumn, the crisp air of the Italian hills is […]

Snails in Garlic Herb Butter

Snails in Garlic Butter Like this recipe? You’ll love my online French cooking class Inspired by Damien Pignolet! Escargots à la Bourguignonne. Is there anything more French than escargot? In this classic dish from Burgundy, the snails are really just a vehicle for the delicious garlic and herb butter, so ensure you have plenty of […]

Chicken in Half Mourning

Chicken in Half Mourning Like truffles? Join me for a hands-on truffle hunting food & wine weekend! This is my version of poulet demi-deuil, a classic French dish made by placing shaved black truffles under the skin of a chicken, resembling the veil of a woman in mourning. It seems that the appearance is only […]

Braised Romaine Lettuce

Braised Romaine Lettuce Like this recipe? You’ll love my online French cooking class Inspired by Damien Pignolet! Who knew you could cook lettuce? It’s a revelation to many Aussies, but a traditional side dish in much of Europe. Italians love grilled radicchio and sauteed escarole (curly endive), while the French like braised romaine lettuce (also […]

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