Shish Barak

Shish Barak Like this recipe? You’ll love my online Lebanese cooking class! Shish barak are little meat filled dumplings cooked in yoghurt sauce, similar to Turkish manti. I find that the longer the dough rests the easier it is to work with, as the gluten relaxes so it’s less likely to spring back when you […]

Ejjeh (Lebanese Omelette)

Ejjeh(Lebanese Omelette) Like this recipe? You’ll love my online Lebanese cooking class! In Lebanon, ejjeh (omelettes), typically filled with just green onion and herbs, are popular as a snack, part of a meze, or as a sandwich filling wrapped inside fresh pita – sometimes with a little extra green onion and parsley or onion and […]

Chicken with Chorizo

Chicken with Chorizo Like this recipe? You’ll love my online Portuguese cooking class! My chicken with chorizo recipe is based on a classic Portuguese dish, amêijoas com chouriço (clams with chorizo). I created it for a friend who couldn’t eat shellfish but didn’t want to miss out on the flavours. Chicken’s not dissimilar to meaty […]

Buckwheat Polenta with Mushrooms & Gorgonzola Recipe

Buckwheat Polenta with Mushrooms & Gorgonzola Join my food & wine tour to Italy to discover more Italian regional specialties! On the first day Franz and I were in Lombardy researching A Lombardian Cookbook, Alessandro took us up to the hunting lodge of his family friends Elsa and Tulio. There in the high mountain sunshine, […]

Bagna Cauda Recipe

Bagna Cauda Join my food & wine tour to Italy to discover more Italian regional specialties! From the landlocked region of Piedmont pressed against the Alps in north-western Italy, bagna càuda was originally a peasant dish that made the most of winter’s limited vegetables by dressing them in a rich garlicky sauce. Bagna means ‘bath’ […]

Sigara Börek Recipe

Sigara Borek (Turkish Cheese & Herb Rolls) Like this recipe? You’ll love my online Turkish cooking class inspired by Somer Sivrioglu! Börek filled with cheese and herbs is one of my favourite food experiences from my travels in Turkey. I remember arriving early one morning in the eastern town of Tatvan having caught the overnight […]

Ocean Trout with Spicy Onion Sauce

Ocean Trout with Spicy Onion Sauce Like this recipe? You’ll love my online Italian cooking class featuring the food of Southern Italy! Cooking fish almost entirely on the skin protects the delicate flesh, keeping it moist and succulent. The skin usually ends up a bit charred and looking slightly the worse for wear, so I […]

Grilled Prawns with Pear & Walnut Salad

Grilled Prawns with Pear & Walnut Salad Like this recipe? You’ll love my online Italian cooking class featuring the food of Southern Italy! Grilled prawns with pear and walnut salad is the perfect dish for entertaining as most of the preparation can be done ahead of time, and cooking the prawns only on the shell […]

Grilled Swordfish with Salmoriglio

Grilled Swordfish with Salmoriglio Join my food & wine tour to Southern Italy to discover more Italian regional specialties! Swordfish (pesce spada) is one of the most popular fish in the Mediterranean and in southern Italy it’s often served with the classic olive oil and herb sauce, salmoriglio (see video below). It has a wonderful […]


Salmoriglio Join my food & wine tour to Southern Italy to discover more Italian regional specialties! Salmoriglio is a simple southern Italian sauce based on olive oil, lemon, garlic and herbs, traditionally oregano. Parsley is often included and sometimes a little finely chopped rosemary or thyme, some recipes add a little anchovy too. Most […]

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