Gado Gado
Gado Gado Like this recipe? You’ll love my online Indonesian cooking class! Indonesia’s popular salad, gado gado, is made with the same delicious peanut sauce as satay (see video below). Gado gado translates as ‘jumbled’ and can be as simple or elaborate as you like, so add some lontong (compressed rice), boiled potato, boiled eggs, […]
Telur Dadar Kentang
Indonesian Potato Omelette Like this recipe? You’ll love my online Indonesian cooking class! Omelettes are popular in Indonesia for breakfast, a light lunch, snack or part of any meal. Telur means ‘egg’ and dadar refers to an omelette or pancake. Kerak telor, a spicy omelette made with coconut and glutinous rice, is a specialty of […]
Ceci in Zimino con Piselli
Ceci in Zimino con Piselli Join my food & wine tour of Northern Italy to discover more Italian regional specialties Ceci in zimino is a classic Italian dish. In Liguria, chickpeas, cuttlefish, and salt cod are all often cooked ‘in zimino’, meaning braised with spinach or silver beet and sometimes tomato. Zimino comes from the […]
Chässchnitte (Swiss Cheese on Toast)
Chässchnitte (Swiss Cheese on Toast) Eat fondue with me in Switzerland on my small group Swiss food & wine tour! Don’t have a fondue pot? Make this delicious Swiss cheese on toast instead with the same ingredients used for fondue (except a little less wine). Chässchnitte is served all over Switzerland in one form or […]
Deep-Fried Tofu with Shallots & Cumin Recipe
Deep-Fried Tofu with Shallots & Cumin Like this recipe? You’ll love my online Thai cooking class inspired by David Thompson! This delicious deep-fried tofu with shallots and cumin is my vegetarian take on Thailand’s popular deep-fried chicken, which originated in the southern city of Haat Yai and is now found all over the country. Deep-fried […]
Thai Rice Noodles with Silken Tofu (Rad Na)
Rice Noodles with Silken Tofu (Vegan Rad Na) Like this recipe? You’ll love my online Thai cooking class inspired by David Thompson! Rad na (also written raat na or rad nar), literally meaning ‘topping’, is a classic Thai dish of Chinese origin. Stir-fried wide rice noodles (hor fun in Chinese) are served with a topping […]
Pilze in Sahnesosse (Swiss Mushrooms in Cream Sauce)
Pilze in Sahnesosse Discover more delicious Swiss dishes on my small group food & wine tour of Switzerland! Classic Swiss geschnetzeltes often includes mushrooms with the veal. These pilze in sahnesosse (mushrooms in cream sauce) are like a vegetarian geschnetzeltes, with the mushrooms as the star attraction. I use wild slippery jacks or pine mushrooms […]
Vegetarian ‘Irish Stew’
Vegetarian Irish Stew Like this recipe? You’ll love my online British cooking class! While most Irish would think I’ve missed the point by omitting the lamb from an Irish stew, I’ve discovered that the combination of slowly braised potato and onion makes quite a delicious vegetarian Irish stew with the addition of some extra root […]
Potato & Leek Soup with Prunes
Potato & Leek Soup with Prunes Like this recipe? You’ll love my online British cooking class! Potato and leek is a classic combination. In France they’re cooked together, puréed, passed through a sieve and mixed with cream to make vichyssoises, a classic cold soup. This vegetarian cock-a-leekie is a more rustic version without cream, you […]
Turkish Stuffed Dried Eggplant (Kuru Patlıcan Dolması)
Turkish Stuffed Dried Eggplant Like this recipe? You’ll love my online Turkish cooking class inspired by Somer Sivrioglu! Strings of hollowed small eggplants drying in the sun are a common sight in eastern Turkey. Hollowing and drying summer vegetables to store for stuffing throughout the winter is a specialty of the south-eastern town of Gaziantep. […]