Top 5 Best Adelaide Restaurants

In the early ‘90s, Cheong Liew, Phillip Searle, Christine Manfield and Tim Pak Poy took the great produce on Adelaide’s doorstep and laid the foundation for the innovative restaurant scene Australia enjoys today. Then all except Cheong moved east to continue the adventure and the local scene dwindled to excellent yum cha, great coffee and […]

Top 5 Soups

More delicious soups recipes: ~ Turkish Lentil Soup (Mercimek Çorbasi) ~ Swiss Barley Soup (Gerstenzuppe) ~ French Onion Soup ~ Pasta e Fagioli (Pasta Fazool) ~ Chicken & Sweet Corn Soup ~ Watercress Soup with Chive Pullaparts Top 5 Soups There’s something comforting and nurturing about soup at any time, whether it’s a hearty minestrone […]

Top 5 Best Malaysian Restaurants Sydney

I love Malaysian food – earthy curries, flaky roti, chewy noodles, rich coconut milk, great ways with seafood, chicken and beef … and that’s before we even start talking about pork trotters, durian and other things not quite to my taste, but which my husband, Franz, adores! It’s the original multi-cultural cooking, with its blend […]

Top 5 Recipes to Reduce Food Waste

Top 5 Recipes to Reduce Food Waste Did you know that one-third of all food produced for human consumption around the world is wasted? OzHarvest and other websites have lots of confronting statistics that drive home just what that equates to, including over $1,000/year for the average Aussie household grocery bill and 5 million tonnes […]

Top 5 Private Dining Rooms (PDRs)

Some of my best times have been sharing a meal with friends tucked away in a private dining room in one of my favourite restaurants. There’s something special about gathering in a space away from everyone else, you can laugh a little louder, eat and drink with more abandon, and carry on almost as you […]

Top 5 Wine & Food Matches

I love food – and I love wine. But best of all I love it when the two come together in a marriage that is greater than the sum of its parts … when each lifts the other to new heights. And I love eating in restaurants where the staff know their stuff well enough […]

Top 5 Pasta Dishes

I love pasta! It’s one of the few things I love eating out as much as I love cooking at home. And the same rules apply: don’t overcook it (dried pasta should be al dente and fresh should be tender with a little ‘bite’), serve it fresh (never pre-cooked) and keep the sauce simple (3 […]

Top 5 Date Night Ideas

Remember when you first started dating your partner? Going out of your way to think of special things to do together that would surprise and delight the other? I used to think ‘date night’ was a great idea for couples busy with kids, who needed to set time aside for each other – and so […]

Top 5 Gueridon in Sydney

I like a bit of theatre with my food – and it doesn’t get much more theatrical than gueridon, the art of finishing and plating dishes tableside! Crêpes Suzette and steak Diane come immediately to mind, but there are many other possibilities as these restaurants show. I’m pleased to see a bit of a gueridon […]

Top 5 Scottish Breakfasts

Top 5 Scottish Breakfasts My favourite meal in Scotland is undoubtedly breakfast. Although I’ve had some fine lunches and dinners in my father’s homeland, what always stands out for me is the quality (and often quantity) of Scottish breakfasts. Perhaps because of the cold climate, they are inevitably hearty affairs of smoked fish, porridge and […]

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