Sambal Terasi Goreng

Sambal Terasi Goreng Like this recipe? You’ll love my online Indonesian cooking class! Sambal terasi goreng is the most common of the many sambals found throughout Indonesia. Sambal means chilli sauce and terasi is Indonesia’s pungent shrimp paste, virtually identical to Malaysian belacan and similar to Thai gapi. Sambal terasi originated in Java, where it’s […]

Acar (Indonesian Pickles)

Acar (Indonesian Pickles) Like this recipe? You’ll love my online Indonesian cooking class! Acar are the slightly sweet, sour, spicy pickles that accompany almost every meal in Indonesia. They’re popular in Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei as well and are similar to Indian achar and Thai ajat. Acar keeps well in the fridge for several months […]

Satay Sauce (Sambal Kacang)

Satay Sauce(Sambal Kacang) Like this recipe? You’ll love my online Indonesian cooking class! This Indonesian satay sauce recipe was taught to me by chef Hasan Yeoh from Kko Kko Balinese restaurant. It makes a thick peanut paste that keeps in the fridge for a couple of months. When you’re ready to serve, mix it with […]

Satay Paste

Satay Paste Like this recipe? You’ll love my online Indonesian cooking class! This recipe makes enough satay paste to marinate 3kg of meat. You could make a smaller quantity, but what are you going to do with the other half of the chilli? This is the basic marinade for any type of satay – chicken, […]

Quick Kimchi

Quick Kimchi Like this recipe? You’ll love my online Asian home cooking class inspired by Cheong Liew! Kimchi, Korean spicy pickled cabbage, is a great side dish with almost anything. Cabbage ferments quickly, especially if you start it off at room temperature for a day. Kimchi is even delicious eaten as soon it’s made, without […]

Piadina Romagnola

Piadina Romagnola Learn to Make Piadina at Casa Artusi in Romagna on my Small Group Italian Food & Wine Tour Everywhere you go in Romagna, you’re served this flatbread. I was taught to make it by a local lady at Casa Artusi in Forlimpopoli, a cooking school and foundation dedicated to the work of Italy’s […]

Garganelli Pasta

How To Make Garganelli Pasta Join my Small Group Food & Wine Tours to Emilia-Romagna, Home of Garganelli Pasta Emilia-Romagna is the home of rich egg pasta, with 1 egg used for every 100g of flour to create pasta sheets that are then cut into an endless variety of shapes. Garganelli are similar to penne […]

Rösti (Swiss Potato Cake)

Rösti Discover more Swiss regional specialties on my small group food & wine tour of Switzerland! Talking about a ‘potato’ rösti in Switzerland is redundant (like ‘cheese’ fondue) as there’s only one type of true rösti and it’s made from potato. Swiss menus don’t generally offer much for vegetarians, but most have rösti with either […]

Nuoc Mam Cham

Nuoc Mam Cham Like this recipe? You’ll love my online Vietnamese cooking class inspired by Mark Jensen! Fish sauce is the essential condiment in Vietnamese cooking, as salt and pepper are in the west. A bottle sits on the table at every meal and at its simplest it’s poured straight from that bottle. A […]

Sambal Goreng (Fried Chilli Paste)

Sambal Goreng (Fried Chilli Paste) Like this recipe? You’ll love my online Singaporean cooking class! I love having good condiments on hand to add flavour to quick and easy meals. In Southeast Asia that’s often a sambal, and sambal goreng is one of the easiest and tastiest. Sambal means ‘chilli’ and goreng means ‘fried’ […]

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