Light Asian Chicken Stock

Light Asian Chicken Stock Like this recipe? You’ll love my online Thai cooking class! Stocks came about to use leftover bits and pieces to add flavour to other dishes, and so the ingredients vary from cuisine to cuisine and even cook to cook. Chicken stock (nahm gai in Thai) is as popular in Asian cuisines […]

Thai Chilli Jam (Nahm Prik Pao)

Thai Chilli Jam(Nahm Prik Pao) Like this recipe? You’ll love my online Thai cooking class inspired by David Thompson! Chef David Thompson taught me to make this Thai chilli jam (nahm prik pao), which is a great addition to any stir-fry. He also taught me that it’s much easier to snip dried chillies open with […]

Vietnamese Pickled Vegetables (Do Chua)

Vietnamese Pickled Vegetables(Đồ Chua) Like this recipe? You’ll love my online Vietnamese cooking class! Vietnamese pickled vegetables, called do chua (đồ chua) in Vietnamese, are super easy to make and delicious served alongside any southeast Asian dishes. Traditionally vegetables were pickled during the warmer months when they were abundant, so they could be enjoyed during […]

Ginger & Garlic Paste

Ginger & Garlic Paste Like this recipe? You’ll love my online Thai cooking class inspired by David Thompson! Ginger and garlic paste is a base for many Indian and south east Asian dishes. This recipe is inspired by the Thai version which also includes coriander root. You can buy ginger and garlic paste already made […]

How To Make Crispy Fried Shallots

How To Make Crispy Fried Shallots Master Kitchen Basics & Explore New Cuisines & Ingredients with My Online Cooking Classes It’s worth making your own crispy fried shallots at home as they are quite different to (and infinitely better than) the commercially-available ones. Plus you end up with a pot of beautifully scented oil to […]

How To Make Fried Garlic & Garlic Oil

How To Make Fried Garlic & Garlic Oil Master Kitchen Basics & Explore New Cuisines & Ingredients with My Online Cooking Classes It’s worth making your own crispy fried garlic at home as it’s quite different to – and infinitely better than – the commercially-available kind. Plus you end up with a pot of beautifully […]

How To Make Roasted Chilli Powder

How To Make Roasted Chilli Powder Master More Thai Kitchen Basics With This Online Thai Cooking Class Inspired By David Thompson One of the great joys of Thai food is the way it layers flavours. Using a pinch (or two) of ground roasted dried chilli introduces a delightfully smoky resonant depth to all sorts of […]

How To Make Ground Dried Prawns

How To Make Ground Dried Prawns Master More Thai Kitchen Basics With This Online Thai Cooking Class Inspired By David Thompson Ground dried prawns, kung haeng in Thai, are used in many Asian dishes – and good ones can become addictive. They’re essential in some curry pastes, such as Thai sour orange curry, and delicious […]

How to Make Dried Turmeric Powder

How to Make Dried Turmeric Powder Master More Thai Kitchen Basics With This Online Thai Cooking Class Inspired By David Thompson Chef David Thompson showed me how easy it is to make your own ground dried turmeric (powdered turmeric) at home. Of course you can buy it but, as David says, “the perfume and taste […]

How to Make Dried Ginger Powder

How to Make Dried Ginger Powder Master More Thai Kitchen Basics With This Online Thai Cooking Class Inspired By David Thompson Of course you can buy ground (or powdered) ginger. But chef David Thompson showed me how easy it is to make your own and, as he points out, “the perfume and taste of homemade […]

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